Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I GOT A DRAGON BLADE TODAY! :D FINALLY! I wasn't even expecting it! I was in a party with hubby Jamio and 6 other people and we made good timing. I forgot what time we made it but we did it! I opened my little box and there it was, the precious red DRAGON BLADE! Of course I wasn't gonna keep the thing. If metal dyes weren't so GAY and you could actually change the color of the freakin blade as freely as you can with dye ampoules, then I would have changed it to pink and kept it for myself!
But since the thing is bright red and you can only change that part to grays (uber phail), I'm gonna sell it for lots of money! This is my only chance to get rich in Mabi! Woo hoo! I ish happy.
Plus I have two black kite shields to sell. I don't need them. I hate black lol! It won't match my pink ensemble at all. I am so happy though! My hubby also got a dragon blade and a black kite shield. I'm happy because we spent days running through Irinid doing this and all of my pets are overloaded with things, especially clothes. My trusty horse Silverbelle is my work horse who carries the main load of potions, herbs, ores, and ingots. The event is finally almost over and I am sooo glad! We are all tired out and everything. Time to do a complete cleanup of my pets, too. But I'm so happy I got a dragon blade! :P