Saturday, December 5, 2009


Hello people. Its been a while...
Nothing new going on, just been running around leveling and helping noobs. Living and learning. Got Rank 6 crit the other day. Woo hoo! Almost to R5.
Still working on the icebolt and counter title. Need to run hardmode dungeons more. Blah.
That's it for now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rundal Hard Mode!

Okay, so I fell in love with Hardmode dungeons. They are fun! Even though they stink more than usual and are full of cobwebs and moss, they give out some good experience points! I tried Rundal Hardmode recently and boy, was it hard but fun! The rats in this place don't play! I can't believe I actually have a reason to be scared of rats now. And the mimics! They hit way harder. O_O

I also graduated to Holy Knight status recently! Not sure if I like the new suit, though. It looks kinda weird. Alexina who works at the Port Quilla Base Camp kinda snickered at me and I knew why. I asked her why and she didn't tell me. I knew it was more than likely because I has transformed and I looked funny holding my mace or something. LOL! Idk... Alexina probably laughs at all the Holy Knights.Oh well!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hey again, people of Erinn! It's the icebolt queen once again. Still trying to perfect train my ice to get that title. Nothing relatively new has happened, except just exploring, getting holy waters, and I rebirthed and ranked my fire, lighting, and healing. Also it's been very rainy everywhere lately. Years ago, it didn't rain that much in Erinn but now it rains a whole lot. It's okay, though. My shooting star robe protects me lol!
Hubby Jam won a huge ugly helm from that zombie event and tried it on. Ewwww! He sold it though. No way he'd keep that thing and he has a dragon crest anyway!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Epic Phailure, Beautiful Scenery =)

Okay, a few weeks ago, I went exploring as usual. Ran off to the Connous area just for the heck of it. I ran into some jungle bears, and I remembered the very first time I fought those things, they had a hell of a lot of HP. I remembered fighting a few and I ended up dying. But hey, that was a while back. I came back recently and me and my cat Janay whipped those bears! We killed about 10-12 of them, and then my arm hurt from countering too much and I wanted to go home. Janay died once though doing something stupid. I tried to train her so she knows that when an enemy is too close to you, don't attempt to do magic. But she tried to do lighting and it was too late. The bear whacked her across the field and I had to hear her meowing hard and loud until I could get her up. Epic phailure, Janay!

*I will put a video (link) soon.*

On an even lighter (and funnier) note, one day me and my buddy SPMS were out in Zardine exploring after riding a hot air balloon, and out of nowhere he just stands there. I called him but he just stood there. All of a sudden, a random weak enemy come out of nowhere and starts jumping him. He wouldn't move. Maybe he was out of it for the moment or something but this little 'forgot-the-name-of-it' creature starts knocking him back. It was so funny I didn't even help him. I knew he wouldn't die from it. The creature was so weak. I guess the thing got tired of SPMS not responding so he just ran off about his business. It was too funny. I left him eventually too, after healing him but he was just standing there. LOL!
Epic phailure, SPMS!

I explored a lot when the road to Zardine was finally opened. I ran all around volcanos and took some awesome pics. But talk about HOT! It was really hot way before I even came close to any volcanos. I was so hot I could have run around naked!
It was beautiful though! The bright red lava was amazing to look at. I found a bunch of interesting new enemies. Some were hard, some were not even a threat to me. I love the new continent. Beautiful volcanoes,waterfalls, geysers,mountains, such awesome scenery!

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Journey!

Hey guys! Lately I've been doing lots of things, from tackling Rabbie Advanced dungeons to running around in Iria exploring. Me and hubby Jam usually travel together and go on long journeys. I recently bought a new armor, the bone marine armor from someone's shop, and I guess they were trying to get rid of it by selling it for only 50k. I was happy and snagged it! I look smexy now lol!
Rabbie Advanced was fun but me and the people in it got our butts whipped in there. I had never seen a Skeleton Laghodessa but hey, I guess there really is a first time for everything.

I also took a visit to Ant Hell because I heard that there were red herbs growing in there somewhere but I found nothing. Instead I found people running around killing stuff but not talking to me. I think they were bots. Pretty well dressed for bots, though! Then there was a giant sitting there in the middle of nowhere. I don't think he was a bot though.

Guess what else happened this past week. The road to Zardine had opened! They have hot air ballons out now! I was so happy I was eager to get there, and someone took me on their new broomstick. I rode my first hot air balloon with SPMS because he just happened to be there with a party up. New robes are also out! I shall upload more pics when I have one! =)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Leveling in Iria... and Other Stuff

Well, guys, I've been a tad bit too busy to write about my journey as an icebolt queen but I'll update myself anyway. I've still been getting holy waters whenever I can, and just yesterday me and some people did 2 Alby Intermediate for 4 passes and I had fun but died a couple of times. Those spiders hurt like crazy! AFter that, I ran out to Iria to do some leveling and I ran pretty far after hopping through a mana tunnel. The weather was cool and breezy as I ran close to the Connous area and discovered the Ruined Bridge.

That is all for now, I shall return! Wish me luck on finally my Master of Icebolt Title. I have to kill soooo many enemies to get it! =(