Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Very Busy!

It's Syriah again. Sorry for no recent updates. Been a little busy getting new winter/Christmas gear. Got one pic for you guys. I just rebirthed again. Other than that, nothing new and interesting going on. I wonder how many people even care to read my adventures in Erinn anymore. Is everyone too busy to read? Everyone's been doing a bunch of events, like skiing and stuff. I tried skiing once and I wasn't too hot at it. Besides, I still have my sheep robe from last year with the colors I dyed onto it. Just needs to be washed.
But yeah, I just been getting holy waters as usual and making a little bit of money, trying to hang out with friends but like I said, everyone seems to be too busy. Rawr. It's fine, though, because I've been too busy to even write. Lol!
So here I am, sitting in Dunburton at the moment. About to eat a little something so I can start leveling again. I have to continue training thunder, ice, and fire. I still don't have my icebolt title. It's hard finding hard enough enemies sometimes. I'm almost there, though. Syriah the Icebolt Queen still lives! Don't give up hope, people of Erinn. I shall become the master of ice! =)