Monday, July 26, 2010

Queen of Magic

Sigh... I am still training all my magics. Combat pretty much sucks because my combat skills aren't all that high and my strength is a measly 64 but I only do magics, anyway. I've always like to kill things from far away. Soooo, I got Rank 1 Fire recently and I love it! Me and hubby were spamming boars and burgundy bears for about 3 days and I kept taking crits, killing the bears with angry titles instantly. So fun! Those bears definately hated me. Good thing we had a tent out there by Tail... for when we just couldn't run away fast enough or get to kill the enemy fast enough. Hey, it happens even to people who are considered 'pro'!
I still do not have my icebolt title. Booooooo! =( Still working on it! 

Right now, I am farming again. Farming brings good money. Takes a hell of a lot of time, but I love doing it. Gives me something to do when there is nothing to do. Wait, there's always something to do in Erinn, isn't it? Lol! I planted strawberries. I heard they took about a month to fully grow, but I messed up in the beginning, not paying attention and I let a week go by without tending to them much. So now I'm trying to hurry and see if I can catch up. I can do it!!!
Oh, and Blatt decided to lease me and Jamio our farms right across from one another. How convenient!
Did I mention how much I love shadow missions... and how much I loathe the shadow lancers? Those things keep nearly poking my eyes out every time I fight them. I mean, aim for some other body part, why my eyes? Well I know why they do that, so they can try to knock me blind so I can't see and then end up dying. Not happening! I have started to make barrier spikes but I have to rank real high because I can't even shoot ice or fire or anything over the dumb spikes. What's the point if all I can do is run for cover behind it but I still have to creep out and kill the enemy? LOL! That's what I'm working on now along with the magics... lightning... must get chaincasting soon, and barrier spikes. Oh, and don't forget crit! Love myself some critical hits!
Ohh yeah, guess what! got a new spirit wep! I named her Nyuki. She's sweet... when she wants to be. I fed her a couple of things already but when she got really hungry, she got feisty. I fed her about 15 items and se was ungrateful for them. I was so mad at Nyuki... for now she's in my bag starving until I can get some more money up to feed her. Ugh, these egos eat you out of house and home!
Okay, I am going back to my malnutritoned farm and my holy water jobs... I shall return soon!