Friday, January 14, 2011

New Adventures In Iria!

Okay. I am officially back to journaling my adventures! I've been doing a lot lately. As you can see, I rebirthed again. I love the feeling of being young and new! Me and Jamio did it together as a couple. I'm still leveling and leveling to get my magics higher.

We traveled to Iria and over to the volcano area to see what was over there. Hadn't been there in ages. It looks so beautiful over there but man, is it HOT! Super hot! I practically felt the lava through my shoes before we were even close. We spammed a bunch of enemies, and even ran into some gargoyles. When we got tired and ran out of resources, we left to go repair and everything.
My wand was all beat up, as usual, so I went to Heulfryn to repair it. I don't remember him ever breaking it, and he's the cheapest also. LOL! I usually go to Berched but he charges an arm and a leg. Literally.
I practiced my healing on meh hubby when his dark knight transformation started to go away. Rank 5 healing for the win! And I finally got champion 2 days ago! Me so happy! We stayed in Dunburton for a while watching people pawn each other all over the place for fun.
Then the next day we did some Karu runs for exploration points. It was easy, except for when the stone imps and hounds came along. -.- I threw on my old armor because I started meleeing with my beloved pink dragon blade, and my strength isn't all that high, and neither is my HP. So I needed all the protection I could get. Lol!
Keep in touch, people. More exciting adventures await you!