Sunday, April 17, 2011

Karu Run

Hello again, people of Erinn! As usual, I've been missing in action, farming and what not, and I have a good bit of money right now. Finally. But I started to work on G10 again. Alexina told me to go to Karu Dungeon and find these weird cube things to put inside a book. So I went. I like Karu Forest. It's quiet, warm, and it smells like pine cones. Just gotta watch out for random enemies... lizards and boars and stuff.
I was dreading the dungeon, though, because Karu is so long and what not. Five floors. Ugh! I spammed fusion bolt and icebolt until my wand had actually gotten hot and I was so hot I had to take my robe off. I didn't finish the place, though, because when I got to the zombies they killed me. Twice. I was out of HP pots and I had to windmill spam. Go figure. Epic fail. Bad part is that I got all of the cubes... except one. Bleh. So I have to back to Alexina for another pass. Oh well. I got a good bit of experience in there because I'd rebirthed to age 17 before I went. Fun, fun. I shall write more when I accomplish something else! See ya!
~Icebolt queen~

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So sorry guys. Been busy farming a lot, as usual. I haven't been able to stay awake while I farm. It gets boring so I just lay in the soft grass or the dirt and I eventually fall asleep. But twice I woke up and it was dark and raining on me. Not fun. I got soaked. Badly.
By the time I ran to Taill on my horse, I was sopping wet. I went inside the bank for shelter. I was smelling mucky for the rest of the day. So I didn't dare take pics. ><
But I will come back with more pics of my newest adventures. Rawr!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tara and Avon

Jamio and I matching!
Heya guys! I have finally finished G9! I am officially a Shadow Hero!
Look at all of these dark knights in Dunburton. We all transformed at basically the same time and took pics. :3

I had to travel to Tara for a couple of quests recently. I hate going there. Tara is HUGE! People only go there for the fashion contests and the jousting, it seems. It's pretty there but it's way to big to be running around.

And I went to the newest city, Avon for the first time. Pretty, but scary looking. There is a lot of lightning going on in the corner of the city. I was chosen to be in Hamlet's play! It was exciting, although I never considered myself to be much of an actor. But it was fun anyway. I'm not finished but I am working on it.
That's all for now. I need to get back to farming. Gotta make that money! :P

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Awesome Epic Skillz and Adventures!

Okay, so I have been doing a whole lot of new things in Erinn lately! I discovered new magic based skills! Ice mastery, fire mastery, and this super cool new skill called fusion bolt. You can fuse 2 magics together! I never even knew you could do such a thing. It's totally awesome though. I've already started ranking fusion bolt, so I can do lightning and ice at the same time, doing double damage. I also got my dark knight transformation now! So I am no longer a champion. It's a weird feeling, being a dark knight now but I love it. I have more mana now and I can tame fomors and not even have to practice the taming skill. Hehe!
I've been doing my usual farming and have gotten more money but I need to get back into my holy waters. Farming is tiring. I have to stand there in the heat for days because sometimes I don't feel like running back and forth doing different things, even thought I have a mount. But I get it done and get a nice check for it. I think Blatt really appreciates me for working hard. I always see my tomatoes being sold because they're well grown. I am so loving my Valencia armor, too. =)
So there's this new event that has been brought to Dunburton, celebrating the hard work of the people of Erinn. They give out free gifts! They have wagons full of gifts for everyone. You only get one a week, though. Usually the gifts are nothing spectacular, just random potions or something but hey, I could use the potions anyway, especially the mana ones. I just hope and pray I get a trinity staff! Uber cool new weapon that allows you to use several bolt spells at once. Most people think of it as the most advanced wand around, but technically, it's not a wand at all.
My brother Lildez begged me to take pics and add him in my journal, so I did it. Woo hoo! All dressed in purple. Most of Famous hangs out in Dunburton anyway, so I always catch someone there, usually killing people for fun! I hate PVPing. I don't like the thought of me minding my own business, then out of nowhere, someone pluck me in the back with arrow revolver. That is the most lethal skill around. LOL! That crap stings for days. Literally.
Here's a pic of Jamio and I with our transformations. And guess what. I decided to rebirth! You're probably thinking, again? Well, I needed a new look. Had the same look for years. I missed having long hair. So I went to Nao and got new eyes and hair. I got tired of the short pink hair... and not being able to wear my glasses because they didn't look right with shorter hair. Now I look awesome! Hubby and I rebirthed together. Then we spammed a bunch of gargoyles before going into the city of Tir.
We met a pair of twins in Tir. They were so cute! They said they were brother and sister. Later on, I met some more people in Dunby bank. One guy was trying to dye his gloves black but he kept getting browns and greens. Kind of funny. Even though I hadn't had the best luck with dyes lately. Just glad Tin gave me a pure white dye so I got rid of the yellowish tint on my goggle cap. Here's meh big brother Lildez again when we were waiting for more people to show up for someone's G12 shadow mission. TRINITY STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAF! Me wants one! Ultimate mage weapon for the win! Well I has to go now and do some more jobs. Need more holy waters to sell and use for when I fight some more. Peace out! ~Icebolt Queen~

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Adventures In Iria!

Okay. I am officially back to journaling my adventures! I've been doing a lot lately. As you can see, I rebirthed again. I love the feeling of being young and new! Me and Jamio did it together as a couple. I'm still leveling and leveling to get my magics higher.

We traveled to Iria and over to the volcano area to see what was over there. Hadn't been there in ages. It looks so beautiful over there but man, is it HOT! Super hot! I practically felt the lava through my shoes before we were even close. We spammed a bunch of enemies, and even ran into some gargoyles. When we got tired and ran out of resources, we left to go repair and everything.
My wand was all beat up, as usual, so I went to Heulfryn to repair it. I don't remember him ever breaking it, and he's the cheapest also. LOL! I usually go to Berched but he charges an arm and a leg. Literally.
I practiced my healing on meh hubby when his dark knight transformation started to go away. Rank 5 healing for the win! And I finally got champion 2 days ago! Me so happy! We stayed in Dunburton for a while watching people pawn each other all over the place for fun.
Then the next day we did some Karu runs for exploration points. It was easy, except for when the stone imps and hounds came along. -.- I threw on my old armor because I started meleeing with my beloved pink dragon blade, and my strength isn't all that high, and neither is my HP. So I needed all the protection I could get. Lol!
Keep in touch, people. More exciting adventures await you!