Hey again people! G10 started recently, and a new town called Tara was built. The place is freakin HUGE!!! I got lost the first time I visited. They have jousting tournaments now too! I tried it once and I won once and died once. Kinda fun though... but I had a huge headache afterward from being knocked upside the head! ><
Here's a pic from when I first got my starlight robe... which I was ecstatic about!
Jamio and I both have starlights now. We still look like twins lol! Except he's older for now. We've been running around, doing holy waters... as usual... to restock the money we used for the starlights, and ALSO my other newest fave item, a GOGGLE CAP!!! Found one for 400k in housing and hopped on it!
Me working in the fields for Krystell... hey, anything is better than getting freakin apples LOL! She always seems to give me apples. I hate smacking the poor trees with a pet helping me, then having to watch out for lurking bears that randomly attack me. RAWR!!! Hate it!
And here's me and my new goggle cap and new dress. I realized that armor doesn't do much for me anymore. Since I'm going full mage (got crown ice wand to full proficiency only to find out that I can't ego it ><), I don't have to be in the enemy's face. So I can basically wear clothes and be alright... as long as I don't get hit.
I'm currently working on G9 still... only because my current shadow mission is HELL HARD and I can barely get through it. Ugh! The shadow world is very creepy looking. I don't like going in there alone but Andras says I have to for this quest. The enemies are red spiders and skelly wolves, but they are harder than normal so I get my butt kicked. Oh well. Gotta get more mana so I will stop running out, and get my meditation higher. (rank B)
That's pretty much all I'm doing for now... no wait... farming! I own a farm now! It's soo cool! I heard you can get money from farming. I chose pumpkins and planted them. It takes a bit of maintenance but its really fun to watch it grow. Takes a lot of patience, too. O_O And I collect pollen too. Some people actually need it for something, not sure exactly but I get paid for it. So whatever works! Need a break from holy waters anyway. I've been doing holy waters so much, I can't get any holier. LOL!
Well, that's all for now, guys! Gotta run with some new friends I made and help them do stuff as well as watch my farm again. I love the new Corrib Valley place, so that's where I like to hang out. Until next time... XD
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