Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Road to Strong Counterattack

Hello people. I just got a little bored and decided to write about my life in Mabinogi. I'm sitting in Tir right now by the church as usual, waiting to do the part time job. I'm kinda broke... need to get some more holy waters and sell them! People say I'm cheap for selling them for 600 each, but I say that's good! I get all the business. The folks running around selling holy waters for 1k each or more are straight crazy.
Well, since I have rank 1 icebolt, I said I might as well continue on my counterattack ranking. I just reached rank 1 counter about 2 days ago! But I still have a long way to go. But it's great that countering is easy... and way easier to rank than icebolt was. I'm still struggling to get my 'Master of Icebolt' title! I have yet to get it and I've had rank 1 ice since umm, I don't know, March? O_o It's so annoying! Still working on it though. Blah.
My hubby came back to Mabinogi after a long break. He's starting his journey over this time and ranking defense again. We had fun yesterday killing an ogre for his quest LOL!
Time for another church job. I shall return! =)