Friday, February 4, 2011

Tara and Avon

Jamio and I matching!
Heya guys! I have finally finished G9! I am officially a Shadow Hero!
Look at all of these dark knights in Dunburton. We all transformed at basically the same time and took pics. :3

I had to travel to Tara for a couple of quests recently. I hate going there. Tara is HUGE! People only go there for the fashion contests and the jousting, it seems. It's pretty there but it's way to big to be running around.

And I went to the newest city, Avon for the first time. Pretty, but scary looking. There is a lot of lightning going on in the corner of the city. I was chosen to be in Hamlet's play! It was exciting, although I never considered myself to be much of an actor. But it was fun anyway. I'm not finished but I am working on it.
That's all for now. I need to get back to farming. Gotta make that money! :P