Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blaqxsoulja's Wedding!

My friend Blaqxsoulja just got married yesterday. I almost didn't make it because he waited until the day of to send out the invites but I made it. Jamio and I ran to Emain on my horse and ereryone was standing around chatting... and waiting for Ezirayah and this one other person to show up. I saw a lot of people I didn't know.

The wedding was a blast! Although most people were rude as usual, it was fun. I put my robe on not because it was cold but because I wasn't exactly dressed for a wedding. At the thought of that, I spotted out a few chics who had on short dresses and skirts and I hollered out,"No slut dresses in church!" Everyone evaluated what they had on. LOL! People rudely threw out bombs during the wedding and it was quite funny, even though the whole church shook and the wedding coordinators and the pastor looked utterly unamused. Blaq was kind of upset at first, and his wifey was just caught up in the moment and enjoying herself. But they both happily walked down the aisle and exchanged rings. They're a lovely looking couple! <3

After the wedding, we all gathered together for pictures. As you can see, that didn't go too well. No one would get organized! I tried to get everyone together so that no one was standing in front on one another but everyone was too busy goofing off. But that's okay. The wedding was over, and everyone was congratulating the couple and giving them gift and what not. Blaq took the liberty of taking his clothes off, and I was like, "Save your honeymoon for later!" LOL! They had to return their wedding rentals before leaving the church, so they kicked us out before Blaq's wife had a chance to put something else on, so she was temporarily naked! LOL!
What a blast.
Oh, I'm still working on my icebolt title. I'm thinking about working on windmill too but it's gonna be hard because my combat is at rank 8. But I can do it. Just gotta take a few days and live in Tir Na Nog! =)
Until later, Mabinogians!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tir Na Nog and My Mabi Twin!

Yesterday me and Jam went to Tir Na Nog to fight Glas. Kimrelan came with us because he is like a combat god and has practically rank 1 everything! We ran through the last 2 black orb dungeons kind of fast. I was glad because it was so hot in there, even with my robe off. I died a couple of times from being mobbed,and I started to wish that I hadn't sold off 4 stacks of my holy waters until after Tir Na Nog but it was too late. I'm STILL working on the stupid ice title! I STILL have a long way to go before I get that master of icebolt title! =( It's taking sooo long! Oh well. At least my intelligence is getting higher all the time, and I that's how I can write like a pro at 10 years old. =)
We beat Glas in lighting speed because Kim final hit the darn thing to death, and wow, he was taking massive damage! Jam brought out his bear to help kill the light gargs that kept spawning, and poor Elysiu got smacked down! It was funny and sad at the same time. We got to see the goddess, and she thanked us but we found out it really wasn't the goddess! Imagine our faces! All that sweat and blood for nothing. But it wasn't necessarily for nothing because he still got his 'Saved the Goddess' title and the goddess enchant. Then we were warped back to Tir.

Kim went home because he was tired, and Jam and I repaired and recharged. Our friend Blaqxsoulja BEGGED Jam for his goddess enchant, and I didn't think he'd sell it to him but he did. I enchanted it onto his dragon blade, which I was sooo scared to do but I succeeded.
The very next day, while at Port Quilla, I ran into a girl that looked like me! We matched as far as pink, and we had the same kind of boots and even the SAME ARMOR! We were both shocked. Her name was Karieta. We even had the same hat! LOL! I have a Mabi twin!

Peace out till later, Mabinogians! <3

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life in Erinn and Iria!

The last couple of days were very fun me. First, I ran around a lot helping hubby Jamio complete his G1 quest so he can get to be a paladin. It's irritating because it's mostly a bunch of dungeoning and what not. But it's okay because I got to level a couple of times. Second, I was doing the church part time job faithfully as usual so I can get and sell holy waters. But now I need some more for myself in case I die. I hate dying because you're just unconscious, unable to move; at least nothing can harm you! In some cases, when no one has an advanced feather, you have to lay there forever and wait for someone to run by and get you up, and you had better look around and get to safety quick.
Third, Jamio and I attended Sayuko's wedding in Filia! It was so nice. I didn't know humans could marry elves, but I guess it is possible. Hey, you can fall in love with whoever! I saw two dudes married once but that's just crazy. Sayuko's wedding was sweet, even though there weren't that many people there.I had never been in the Filia wedding hall but it was beautiful! There was no roof so it was outdoors, and everyone felt the breeze coming through even though Filia is just a big desert. Good thing there were no rude people at the wedding. I have been to other weddings and people just chat the whole time, fart,blow bombs, fight each other, anything but congratulate the newlyweds. Very rude people lol! But Sayu's wedding was calm and everything.
The only problem was that Jam and I are currently friends of the giants, so we had a little trouble getting into Filia without getting pummeled with arrows. LOL!

Then, I got myself an eweca shield! It's so pretty! It's great to carry around at night. It glows like never before, and you can see your way around.

I'm working on my healer house jobs, too. I've talked to Dilys more than ever lately! But it's cool. She let me hang out in her shop.

More pics and info will come later! =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Holy Waters... And my White Cooking Pot! <3

Oh em geee, I need holy waters so badly! Been slacking off lately. Yesterday I ran down to Tir and did like one job, mostly because I was sooo tired after running Barri with my hubby for the G1 quest but my darn inventory was so packed out I had to room to store anything other than eggs! After that, I did do a massive clean-out of myself and my pets and made more room for myself. Now I need to focus on getting holy waters for the next couple of days. I need to sell some for money so I can keep what I have in the bank and just add more to it.
I'm going back and forth from Uladh to Erinn for various reasons... exploration points and just regular experience and crap. I'm loving my new outfits I got from the event, even though 2 of them I can't wear until I'm older. Bleh. Guess I'll just have to wait!
Oh yeah,I did a bit of cooking the other day for a quest that Aeria had given me. She also apologized for her slight attitude from last time. >< Hahaha! I had to cook 5 steamed potatoes. Amazingly,yesterday Bouquet from our Sugar guild shouted out to everyone that Walter was selling a pure white cooking pot! I had to get one of those. It would totally match me and my pink and white ensemble. So I ran up to Walter since I was already in Dunburton at the time and I bought the white cooking pot. It's awesome! Of course, Walter had an attitude. Walter always has an attitude at everyone. Epic phailure. Oh well. At least I'm styling with my white!